Your auditors expect to have information ready when they come on site. You lose time and money when you are not ready for your audit, or when your auditors have to come back later to complete the audit. Also, per Government Auditing Standards, Amendment No. 3, your auditors risk tainting their independence when they perform both audit and accounting services.
Before your auditors arrive, I will...
- Work to ensure your audit runs smoothly by assisting you in making the necessary year end adjustments to your trial balance and preparing audit schedules requested by your auditors.
- Liaise with your auditor while on site to prevent unnecessary staff interruptions. Review prior year audit report and recommend corrective actions to address audit findings.
- Prepare internal draft financial statements and have them available for your audit at start of the audit.
- Identify grant activities that need to be tracked.
- Ensure proper recording of all grant activities.
- Prepare/review your State or Federal grants prescribed reports.
- Assist in preparing your Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR).
- Assist in preparing any other state prescribed reports such as the DCED and PDE-2057.